Shar Pei Breeders
Chinese Shar-Pei is known to the people long ago. This is one of the oldest dog breeds in numerous family - aged about 20 centuries. Received its name from the rough, like the bristles skin - Shar-Pei translated from Chinese means "sand skin". The ancestors of today's Shar-Pei were of special reverence among the Chinese, which is confirmed by archaeological excavations - were discovered remains of dogs with multiple burials. The ancestors of the Shar-sing called them "dogs from the tombs." Unlike his contemporaries, they were huge dogs weight about 80 kg.In ancient China were seen excellent qualities of the Shar-sing - devotion to the owner, reliable, vigilance mind. These dogs were used on farms to guard the houses and land for grazing cattle and hunting game and course, pet and companion. They used them as fighting dogs, but their quality is not primarily - Shar-sing too friendly for war, they prefer to guard the home and its owner.
Shar-Pei modern is not a Chinese pedigree dog, as in the selection were used Chow-Chows, Bull-Mastiff, Bulldog, Boxer and Bull Terrier-. It is commonplace today, almost no species in which to improve the appearance and other attributes do not use the blood of other dogs.
Chinese figuratively describe a favorite dog. His head is shaped like a pear or watermelon, heavy and round the base with a conical snout. Ear like a shell of molluscs, and small bowel. His nose is like a butterfly (that is to biscuit "butterfly"). It should be broad and blunt. His back is like a shrimp - strong and flexible, but hollow behind the withers. The tail is like a wire. It must be tough and thin, basically like a piece of cable, set high above the back. Preferred when the tail formed a circle in the center has only a small hole.
For the Chinese tail is of great importance. His face resembles the wrinkled face of a very old man, but without excess wrinkles. The tongue is blue-black in color. In China allowed and "colorful" language. His neck is similar to that of the buffalo - strong and of medium length, with a small skin "necklace". His anus looking at the sky. His tail is set high so that the anus is issued slightly upwards. His paw like a head of garlic - a thick, hard, finger-like cloves of garlic. Rusty coloration is brown. The coat is shiny, but dull, and all the hairs are reddish-brown color like rust.
Standard of breed Shar Pei
FCI Standard N ° 309 / 08.09.1999
Shar Pei
Origin: China
Patronage: F.C.I.
Date of publication of the original valid standard: 14.04.1999
Use: Hunting dog and watchdog
FCI Classification:
Group 2. Pinscher and Schnauzer, Molossoid breeds, Swiss Mountain and Cattle Dogs
Section 2.1 - Molossoid breeds, Mastiff type
Without working trial.
Brief history: This Chinese breed has existed for hundreds of years in the provinces bordering the South China Sea. Probably comes from Dialak city in the province of Kwun Tung.
GENERAL APPEARANCE: Active, compact, medium sized dog with a square structure. Folds on the head and withers, small ears and "hipopotamskata" muzzle give Shar Pei a unique appearance. Male dogs are larger and stronger than females.
IMPORTANT PROPORTIONS: The height of the Shar Pei from withers to ground is approximately equal to body length from the shoulder to the rear, especially in dogs. Distance from nose to stop is approximately equal distance from stop to occiput.
BEHAVIOUR / TEMPERAMENT: Calm, independent, loyal, affectionate and devoted to his family.
HEAD: Relatively large in proportion to the body. Wrinkles on forehead and side of his head in the sequel podves form.
Cranial characteristics:
Skull: Flat, wide
Stop: moderately more pronounced
Facial features:
Nose: Large and wide, preferably black but any color conforming to the color coat is allowed. Wide open nostrils.
Muzzle: A distinctive feature of the breed. Broad of forehead to the tip of the nose without sharpening. Thick lips and muzzle. Bulge is allowed in the base of the nose.
Mouth: Language, palate, gums and lips - preferably black and blue. Purple with pink dots language is allowed. Totally pink tongue is extremely objectionable. In dilyutnite (fuzzy) language is full color in the color "lavender" (light purple).
Bite / teeth: Strong, strong jaw with a perfect scissor bite. The volume of the lower lip should not prevent the bite.
Eyes: Dark, almond-shaped and scowl. Lighter colored eyes are allowed in dogs with dilyuten fur color. Function of eyeball or eyelids should not be compromised in any way from the surrounding skin, skin folds or hair. Any sign of irritation of eyeball, conjunctiva or eyelids highly undesirable. Without entropium.
Ears: Very small, in the shape of an equilateral triangle with slightly rounded edges and set high on the skull with tips pointing towards eyes. Erect ears highly undesirable.
Neck: Medium length, strong, well placed shoulders. Loose skin under the neck (podves) should not be too much.
Body: skin folds on the body of the adult dog extremely undesirable, except withers and base of tail, where folding is moderate.
Topline: Behind the withers gradually go down, then gradually rises in the groin.
Back: Short and strong.
Croup: Short, broad, slightly elevated.
Chest: Broad and deep chest reaches the elbows.
Bottom line: It rises slightly below the waist.
TAIL: Thick and round at the base, gradually tapering to an end. Very high, which is characteristic of the breed. Can be carried high and curved, narrow arched over back or bent to one on both sides. Tail with impaired integrity or lack thereof - extremely undesirable.
Front legs: Straight, medium length and good bones. The skin on forelegs no creases.
Shoulders: zamuskulesni, well placed and skewed.
Predkitki (Pasterns): Slightly sloping, strong and flexible.
Hindquarters: Muscular, strong, moderately inclined, perpendicular to the ground and parallel to one another, viewed from the side. Folds of the thighs, ankles and thickening of skin on hocks - undesirable.
Hock: deep set.
FEET: Moderately large, compact. Fingers are not separated. Without the fifth finger of the hind paws.
Stroke / Movement: The preferred way is trot. The course is free, balanced and energetic with good Reaching forward impetus of the hindquarters. With increasing speed the extremities tend to gather in an imaginary middle line. Restless, tense move - objectionable.
HAIR: A distinctive feature of the breed - short, hard and prickly. Hair is straight, stand off the body, but smooth on the legs. Without undercoat. Length can vary from 1 to 2.5 cm without trimming.
Color: All solid colors are permitted without the white. Caudal and thighs are often lighter. Darker in color due to the back and ears is allowed.
Height: 44-51 cm at withers (17,5 - 20 in.)
FAULTS: Any departure from the foregoing should be considered a fault, whose evaluation must correspond exactly to the degree of its deviation.
∙ deviation from scissors bite
∙ pointed muzzle
∙ spotted tongue (except pink purple spots on tongue)
∙ Large ears
∙ inferior tail
∙ Hair longer than 2.5 cm
∙ Aggressive or excessive fear.
∙ Flat with muzzle expressed undershot or overshot.
∙ Pink language.
∙ lower lip turned in preventing the bite.
∙ Round, protruding eyes. Entropion, ectropion.
∙ skin folds or hair that prevent the normal function of the eye.
∙ erect ears.
∙ Lack of tail.
∙ Serious skin folds on the body (except withers and base of tail) and limbs.
∙ Neednotsvetna COAT albino to spots, stripes, black and tan, etc.
Any dog clearly showing physical or behavioral abnormalities shall be disqualified.
N.B. Male animals should have two apparently normal and well developed testicles fully descended into the scrotum.
Note: Any artificial physical modification of the Shar-Pei (in particular lips and eyelids) eliminates the dog from competition.
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